CAVES OF CEROVEC (distance 40 km)
The Caves of Cerovec are situated in Lika, some
four kilometres from Gracac, and can, therefore, be easily reached
from the main road from Zagreb, Zadar, Split or Sibenik. According
to spelunkers and visitors to the caves, they belong to the most
intensely researched and richest caves with natural ornaments
of all visited by tourists in Croatia. Two caves of a total length
of 4000 metres are found on Mount Crnopac, which marks the end
of the Velebit massif just above the Gracac plateau. They offer
the possibility of an interesting visit into the underground realm,
from where a person will return overflowing with new impressions
of the less familiar world and creative power of nature. Both
caves have been prepared and are lighted for tourist visits to
a depth of 800 meters.
The caves consist of a number of elongated corridors
and large vaults, and are full of lakes, stalagmites and stalactites,
columns and crystals in wondrous shapes and colours. Visitors
have readily associated and recognised in the forms and shapes
of the natural phenomena either "fossilised wedding party",
"Santa Clause" "Well of Life", "colourful
waterfall", "pagoda", "an organ" and
other shapes. The largest of the vaults in the caves is 70 meters
long, 30 meters wide, and between 10 to 20 meters high, making
one feel as if one were in a marvellous cathedral.
It is difficult not to imagine how the architects
of luxurious gothic styled buildings might have been inspired
for their deeds by the ornaments of the caves, after giving the
caves a visit.